CyberSpark CTF— RSA writeups This was a very friendly ctf , and here are some of the crypto tasks that I solved BIGRSA -495pts-task file : 123456789101112131415p = getPrime(512)q = getPrime(512)n = p*qphi = (p-1)*(q-1)e = 65537e1 2024-12-28 #RSA
Fowsniff CTF Walkthrough Hello, and welcome to my first writeup!Even tho this room is very guided I’m gonna try to go (a bit) more in depth into it and hopefully make things more clear to my fellow beginners, let’s get starte 2024-12-28 #thm
Easy RSA CTFs Below is a collection of the basic / easy rsa challenges that I authored for the guided CTF hosted by Securinets ISI. RSA01 description : RSA is a public-key cryptography algorithm that encrypts 2024-12-28
HTB: Return Writeup Return is an easy level machine and the 4th challenge in the printer exploitation track.Initial EnumerationTo start, I performed an Nmap scan to enumerate open ports and services on the target machin 2024-12-28
HTB: Wander Writeup Wander is an easy level challenge and the third in the Printer exploitation track on HackTheBox Challenge DescriptionMy uncle isn’t allowing me to print documents. He’s off to vacation, and I need a 2024-12-28 #HTB
HTB : Antique writeup Antique machine HTBAntique is an easy level machine and the second challenge in the printer exploitation track. EnumerationStarting with the usual nmap scan we get the following 123456┌──(kali㉿kali)- 2024-12-28 #HTB
HTB: Gawk writeup HTB: Gawk writeupGAWK is a very easy challenge in the hardware category and the 1st task in the printer exploitation track.CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION I lost access to my computer and need a document urgent 2024-08-26 #HTB