HTB : Antique writeup
Antique machine HTB
Antique is an easy level machine and the second challenge in the printer exploitation track.
Starting with the usual nmap scan we get the following
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The Telnet service is accessible, but it requires further investigation.
Next, let’s perform a UDP scan to check for any open UDP services.
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The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is running on the target machine. This protocol is often used for network monitoring and device management. let’s go ahead and enumerate that !
SNMP Enumeration
Let’s enumerate the SNMP service for useful information using Metasploit. Fire up msfconsole and search for SNMP enumeration modules:
From the list, I chose module 7 (auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum) to proceed but unfortunately, no significant information was retrieved from scan. So, I will go back to investigate the open telnet port.
Investigating Telnet
Since the SNMP scan didn’t yield results, we return to the Telnet service.
Using Telnet to connect reveals that a password is required. However, we also observe the following device information, its name HP JetDirect
This indicates the target is likely a printer device. A quick search for known vulnerabilities related to HP JetDirect reveals several CVEs.
Clicking the first link of and going through CVEs, this one matches our case.
I looked it up on exploit db and found a description of the attack vector.
However the tool used in this example is an exe and it’s written in java for linux aswell.
This blog is not a safe place for java.
Exploiting SNMP for Password Retrieval
A quick search for ‘SNMP tools that send get requests’ I came across snmpget
which is pre built in kali linux.
And we did recieve the encoded device password, we can quickly decode that in out terminal !
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Connecting via Telnet
Now that we have the password, we connect to the Telnet service
After logging in, we can execute commands using the exec syntax. To gain shell access, I used a reverse shell payload:
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But before we do that we have to set up our listener by simply typing rlwrap nc -lvnp 4444
& that’s it! we’re in!
Before getting into PrvEsc let us upgrade our shell with python for better interactivity.
Privilege Escalation
At first I tried putting a rev-shell in the
file in a hope of it getting executed as root, it didn’t.
I also ran < $ ps aux > to display all running processes but I didn’t find anything interesting aswell.
Then I went to check that are running on the server with < $ netstat -nat >
As we can see there is a listener running locally on port 631, let’s curl that and see what we get.
Hm, our target server is running on CUPS/1.6, another quick search for CUPS/1.6 cve the first link was a github repo for the exploit of
We’re almost there yay!
Next I got cloned the repo and started my python server so I can upload the sh file.
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now let’s give the file excution permession with < $ chmod +x > and then run it.
That’s it :) we owned the box yay! :D.